The Aftermath


Hey everybody! It’s that time again. . . Zombie time. I am so happy “The Walking Dead” is back on. I have been waiting for this show to come back ever since the mid season finale. Now that it is back, I no longer feel that void in my heart. I know I am late writing about the past two episodes and I am sorry. I am here now so you can all take a deep breath.

The Mid season opener was not the greatest. I was pretty disappointed with the whole episode. Don’t get me wrong. Learning all about Michonne was my favorite part out of the whole episode. I was just not too fond of the episode being all about Carl. Carl is not on my top ten list of characters (he is also not one of my favorites in the comics), so I know this played a role into how I felt about the opener. The thing I did like is that Michonne found Rick and Carl at the end. Other than learning about Michonne and her finding Rick, not too much happened.

For the second episode that is a different story. . .

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